#71 Come, Thou Almighty King

Words: Anonymous

Music by Felice de Giardini  (1716-1796)


Come, Thou almighty King,

Help us Thy name to sing,

Help us to praise!

Father all glorious,

O'er all victorious,

Come, and reign over us,

Ancient of Days!


Come, Thou incarnate Word,

Gird on Thy mighty sword,

Our prayer attend;

Come, and Thy people bless,

And give Thy Word success;

Spirit of holiness,

On us descend!


Come, holy Comforter,

Thy sacred witness bear,

In this glad hour:

Thou who almighty art,

Now rule in every heart,

And ne'er from us depart,

Spirit of power!


Fourth verse left off.


In the days of the American Revolution a congregation of patriotic colonists were worshiping in their church on Long Island when the service was interrupted by the arrival of a company of Hessian troops. The captain stalked up the aisle and commanded the people to sing “God Save the King.” The organist started the tune that we call “America”; but the people, true to the cause of the American colonies and to their God, sang this hymn. Price, p. 101